User Stories and Personas

Lets meet our possible candiates for our application and see how we can improve their lives!

Sotos Dorios - Restaurant Owner

Sotos Dorito is a 58 year-old male owner of a local greek restaurant that serves the finest authentic greek food in Scarborough. Unfortunately, Sotos is not so in-tune with modern day technology as he is with his restaurant’s food. Sotos is a simple user of the internet, he owns no smart-phones and browses the web through his 7-year-old laptop that he was given as a birthday gift. Sotos does not own a website for his restaurant and hopes that he gains popularity directly through the taste of this food. Due to the recent pandemic, sales for his restaurant have gone down significantly. He is losing the customers he previously had. As it stands, Sotos Dorito doesn’t have any way to pick up the losses he has incurred, and is looking for solutions to help him get out of this rut.

User Stories

As Sotos (Restaurant Owner), I want to be able to easily register my restaurant on the app.

Sotos (Restaurant Owner), I want to be able to edit my restaurant’s information, so that my restaurant page is up to date.

As Sotos (Restaurant Owner), I want to be able to modify menu items from my restaurant’s menu.

As Sotos (Restaurant Owner), I want to be able to post my promotions/deals for customers to see.

Raj Chauhan - Restaurant Owner

Raj is a 28 year-old owner of a moderately priced casual Indian restaurant located in Scarborough.He recently bought 6 dine-in restaurants. All his restaurants are currently taking only phone-in orders. Phone-in orders are time consuming for his staff and his guests. In order to increase his customer counts, he wants a way to let his customers order online through a website.

User Stories

As Raj, (Restaurant Owner), I want to be able to view my restaurant activity and analytics, so that I can evaluate how my restaurant is performing.

Kirk Brown - Chef

Kirk is a 35 year-old chef at a popular chinese restaurant in Scarbrough who has been cooking food for almost 15 years. Every day, people always say the food is excellent, but no one bothers to ask who it is cooked by or appreciate his culinary skills personally. He can only reach so many customers through direct communication. He wants for everyone to hear why he became a chef and how he became such a good chef. He loves cooking so much so that he has a youtube channel where he teaches others how to cook as well as photos of some of the things he makes at home. He just wants to share his story.

User Stories

As Kirk (Chef), I want to be able to create a profile page where I can embed videos or post a link to my youtube channel.

Kirk (Chef), I want to be able to create a profile page where I can easily upload pictures of the foods I cook.

Bobisha Bobson - Customer

Bobisha is a 20 year old university student studying at UTSC, who often eats out. Due to her already overwhelming financial strains from tuition fees and rent payments, she is always looking for the best deals on food. She is also quite picky and knows exactly what she wants to eat, but struggles with finding the best deals as there are too many different restaurant websites to look at.

User Stories

As Bobisha (Customer), I want to be able to login using my email and password.

Bobisha (Customer), I want to be able to see my order history.

Bobisha (Customer), I want to be able to order food from my account.

As Bobisha (Customer), I want to see a list of suggestions based on my preferences, so that I can find a new restaurant to enjoy.

As Bobisha (Customer), I want to be able to filter my search results according to price, so that I can easily find the best deal.

Bobisha (Customer), I want to be able to add a review and modify it for a restaurant.

Selena Vallaipallam - Customer

Selena is a 30 year old woman in Scarborough who doesn’t eat out a lot. When she does have to order out, she often struggles with choosing a place to eat. She would have to spend hours and hours looking for the perfect place to eat. Since she is fairly new to Scarborough, she doesn’t know a lot about the cuisine available. She enjoys certain types of food, but she doesn’t know where to find them. She doesn’t have many friends in Scarborough to suggest foods/restaurants she may like. She doesn’t want to spend a lot of time when ordering, as she has a very busy schedule, so the quicker the process the better.

User Stories

As Selena (Customer), I want to be able to order food without having to create an account, so that I can save time and get my food quickly.

Selena (Customer), I want to be able to search up a dish and see a list of all the restaurants that serve it.

Selena (Customer), I want to be able to select how I pay for my order, by either card (online) or cash(pickup only).

As Selena (Customer), I want to be given a list of nearby restaurants based on my specified location.

Chris Ali - Customer

Chris Ali is an 83-year-old veteran male living in Scarborough. Ever since the death of his wife, Chris has been eating outside more as he cannot cook for himself. However, Chris is reluctant to use websites to order food because the websites he’s used before were hard to navigate. Chris has a hard time remembering where restaurants near him are, and needs some pictures to remember information about the restaurant.

User Stories

As Chris (Customer), I want to be able to easily add food items to my shopping cart list.

As Chris (Customer), I want to be able to easily pick restaurants near me by map.